Well, RHEL 6 is not MIA so to speak. However, I don’t think I’m the only one that’s been very frustrated with the time it is taking for Red Hat to produce a major update for RHEL. 5 is a stable server platform, but is now very painful to run LAMP stuff with or really anything remotely modern. 2006 technology in a 2010 world is painful.
For folks that read LWN there is a good article about Fedora 12 that has some rumors about RHEL 6. Some rumors are more believable than others, however. Peering deeply into Red Hat’s Bugzilla I do see quite a lot of activity with RHEL 6 internal spins and testing. So the signs are picking up. I imagine a public beta might appear this spring. The LWN article has a comment that mentions a public beta release at this year’s Red Hat Summit in June. I’m really hoping for sooner than that, but only time will tell at this point.